Jackie Goo

Jackie Goo



About Coach

I swam competitively for nearly ten years before falling off the workout wagon in college! But finding my way back to fitness, first through running and then through weightlifting and CrossFit, has been an awesome journey. After competing in my first triathlon in 2015, I felt the greatest sense of accomplishment - not from finishing the race, but from seeing how far I’d come and knowing each of those early mornings had paid off. That’s the perspective I try to bring every day as a coach.

Turning Point

One of the hardest parts about fitness is remembering that you are allowed to have bad days, even bad weeks! Two years ago, I knew I wanted to make a change - and I told myself that as hard as it was, I could make the time (just an hour a day!) to do it. As a verified not-morning-person, the first early phone alarms were traumatic! But the results are worth the grumpy mornings!

Motivation & Passion

Watching people consistently put in the time and sweat to discover they can do hard, incredible things - there’s nothing like it!

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